Jaideep Vaidya, Vijayalakshmi Atluri and Qi Guo. Migrating to Optimal RBAC with Minimal Perturbation. In SACMAT’08: Proceedings of the thirteenth ACM symposium on Access control models and technologies, Estes Park, Colorado, June 2008.
A new variation to the role mining problem (RMP) is introduced: minimal perturbation RMP. When roles within an enterprise already exist, minimal perturbation RMP aims to identify an optimal set of roles that is also similar to the current configuration. A role migration cost based on role similarity is incorporated with their existing subset enumeration algorithm.
A method for measuring role similarity using the Jaccard coefficient is proposed. In general terms, Jaccard coefficient is calculated as the ratio of the intersect of two sets to the union of those to sets to produce a value between 0 and 1 that measures similarity. 0 for no similarity (different) and 1 for high similarity (same). In terms of roles, role is a set of permissions. The similarity of a role now becomes the ratio of the intersect of two permission sets to the union of two permission sets to produce a value between 0 and 1.
Given a proposed role and the collection of existing roles, the similarity metric of the role is the best Jaccard coefficient between the proposed role and a role that exists within the collection. That is, the Jaccard coefficient between the proposed role and every role in the collection is calculated and the best coefficient is used as the similarity.
To measure the similarity of between the collection of proposed roles and the collection of existing roles, the similarity metric of each role in the proposed role collection is calculated and averaged.
The metric is coined with FastMiner, an iterative role mining process that looks at user permission assignment intersections. A greedy heuristic that chooses roles with the most coverage (user + permission assignment) and highest similarity until all permission assignments is covered is used.
Trade-offs between minimizing only roles and searching for only the most similar roles is also analysed.
There are lots of examples in the paper.
6 years ago
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