Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Mining Roles with Semantic Meaning

author = {Ian Molloy and Hong Chen and Tiancheng Li and Qihua Wang and Ninghui Li and Elisa Bertino and Seraphin Calo and Jorge Lobo},
title = {Mining Roles with Semantic Meanings},
booktitle = {SACMAT'08: Proceedings of the thirteenth ACM symposium on Access control models and technologies},
year = {2008},
month = {June},
address = {Estes Park, Colorado},

In this paper:
  1. What semantic analysis can be performed based on data availability/dimension.
  2. Using "Formal Concept Analysis", a hierarchical miner is developed.
  3. Performs role mining with user attributes as well as user permission information.
Data Dimension: user permission, user attribute (user's job title), permission parameter (database permission, read access), permission update (logs of how permissions have changed over time), permission usage (what users are using what permissions and when). What additional information can be offered with each extra dimension is discussed.

Formal Concept Analysis: applied to role mining, a formal context is triple (G, M, I) where G = set of users, M = set of permissions, I = relationship between users and permissions. A concept of the context (G, M, I) is a pair (X, Y) where Y is the set of all properties shared by all objects in X and X is a set of all objectes that share all properties in Y. X = extent and Y = intent. (X, Y) can be subconcept of (X', Y') iff X⊆X' or Y⊆Y'.

For example, {{u1, u2, u3}, {p1, p2, p3, p4, p5}} can be a concept, allowing concepts to represent roles. Each user is assigned exactly one role and each permission is assigned exactly one role. To reduce large concept latices, weighted structural complexity is introduced. Weighted structural complexities gives different costs/weights to different components of RBAC (wr * number roles, wu * number of user assignments, vp * number of permission assignments, and so on) . Optimal RBAC state has minimal weighted structural complexity.

Hierarchical Miner: greedy algorithm that iterates all possible roles and prunes roles if doing so reduces the cost of the RBAC state. Algorithm terminates when no more oprations can be performed.

Attribute mining creates "attribute roles" using a candidate role set and user attributes to help describe roles. Each role/permission set can turned into multiple attribute roles (a role can be give multiple attribute descriptions, each attribute description is an attribute role). Because of this, a role to user assignments are based on a edge to complexity ratio metric. 

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