Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Departmental Travel Funding

During the period between my undergraduate and postgraduate studies, I applied and got accepted for vacation work in Web services at CSIRO in Canberra. Most people take the 3 months off to relax, drink beer and take a break from studies. I went to Canberra to read about and implement Web services.

This time twelve months ago I was working towards a paper for monitoring composite Web services, focusing on the challenges, considerations and difficulties when doing so. The paper was submitted twice before it was accepted this time round to SEIW in conjunction with ICDE in Istanbul, Turkey. I will be the representative going half way around the world to present it. It has also been requested as a journal paper but we don't think we have the time or the resources to do the additional implementation and new work additions.

As it is not work directly related to my PhD, I will refrain from using my industry sponsors as a form of funding, although they said if I but their institution on, it might be okay. But for now, I am currently trying to get all the funding to go over there from the department. The department of computer science and software engineering will give me $1500 if I meet the following requirements:

  • I am an author of the paper
  • My university affiliation under my name is The University of Melbourne, Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering
  • The paper will go into a publication that has an isbn
  • I give a department/postgraduate seminar explaining my works.

Mine is booked in for 30th March, the Friday that isn't a public holiday before I leave for Turkey. Postgraduate seminars a preferred to be on a Friday. I contacted CSIRO and they said it wasn't a problem for me to add my affiliation instead of CSIRO under my name, and they can cover registration for me.

Hopefully I can get some more money from the school of graduate studies for the additional expenses.

Paper reference:
Kerry Taylor, Paul Brebner, Michael Kearney, Dana Zhang, Kelly Lam and Vladimir Tosic. Towards Declarative Monitoring of Declarative Service Compositions. In Proceedings of The 2nd International Workshop on Services Engineering (SEIW07) in conjunction with 23rd International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2007), Istanbul, Turkey, April 2007.

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