Wednesday, December 27, 2006


Previously, electronic portions of the library catalogues at my uni were organised using a system called buddy. They were sorted via subject (Subject Resources). This meant sorting by faculty (Engineering) and then by department (Computer Science and Software Engineering). It took a while to get to the page I wanted (if I didn't book mark it) but once I got there, it had subscribed links to majority of the e-journals I have needed(such as ACM portal, Springerlink and IEEE Xplorer). The list was quite comprehensive and not user unfriendly. However, I have discovered today that this system will slowly be phased out, and in it's place will be a system called SuperSearch. This system will be the only available, with buddy being disabled in February next year. I'm not too sure how this SuperSearch will work exactly but so far, I do not like it. It is advertised to be able to find you journal papers and more but I can't even find my favour digital library: ACM Portal. Things are I know are in the portal are not being returned. This is assuming this SuperSearch is a like a composite service that uses other digital libraries as its underlying information source. At the moment, I doesn't seem like it has those capabilities. I did find a page with links for Engineering. This popup contained 8 links, only one of which I used. :S. I hope the system is still in beta. Either it's not complete or I just don't know how to use it. I have a feeling it's the latter since I'm not spectacular with new technology; it takes a while for me to get use to. But I still hope it's in Beta because it's not the easiest to navigate through. Although I do appreciate not having to type in my student ID barcode everytime I want to look up papers. Username and password for my central Melbourne uni account is much easier to remember.

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